Two years of ‘blogging’, 532 posts, and today we are classic up the joint with these waffle pizzas and celebrating my 200th decline from Foodgawker! Foodgawker, Tastespotting, Tasteologie and others are sites worth drooling over if you are looking for inspiration or just looking. They update a large selection of new recipe posts daily linking back to original recipes from bloggers like myself. Needless to say, I felt that 200 declined posts was a pretty monumental event in my food blogging career.

Grab your party hats and kazoos so we can get party started.

Recently Declined:


Now, I am not going to be the food blogger that boo’s and hisses over the food p*rn sites (though, I have whined about the delay with Tastespotting the other foodp*rn site lately… I need to remember it’s summer, and we all get busy) . Foodgawker and others have been kind to me and my accepts exceed my declines. The traffic that you get from the sites certainly helps and I always get a kick when I recognize a friends dish while perusing today’s posts. But really, this party wouldn’t be as fun if I had to make something pretty to celebrate accepts.

How do I celebrate? With these classy personal pizzas – that’s how! Quick, fat kid friendly, and full of weeknight awesomeness. I’m sure there’s a part of my bad foodie self that would love to be offended at these – but really, I can’t help it. These were fun, tasty, and satisfied my hungry belly after a long day of work.


Waffle Pizza

Inspired by a Food Network Magazine feature from May 2011


  • 8 frozen waffles
  • 1 – 1 1/2  cups pizza sauce
  • 1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
  • Pizza toppings such as pepperoni, peppers, sausage, and mushrooms


Preheat toaster oven to toast or regular oven to 425 degrees F.

Place waffles on a baking stay. Spoon out pizza sauce over waffles, sprinkle with mozzarella and desired toppings. Bake until waffles are golden and cheese is melting.

Let cool before shoving these little molten lava pits into your mouth. Serve and enjoy!




Do you have a post you feel was wrongfully declined from a food p*rn site while some other overexposed odd angled shot of black coffee sat at on the home page all day? If so post a link – lets share some love.

And, if you really want to post your hard little labors of love, check out Tastestopping! They will take what those other sites have shoved aside with open arms.


  1. You are so funny! Let’s definitely celebrate all these milestones. Your photos are gorgeous!

  2. You are so funny! And it’s so true, I always “recognize” a photo of certain bloggers just by their style.

  3. LOL!! I’ve been declined too often and have never been accepted but then I gave up too easily … oh well.
    Waffle pizzas? Very creative! I’d never have put those two words together!

  4. My oldest walked by while I was reading this post and told me he wanted me to make these! We have used bagels for pizza bases, but love the idea of using a waffle, definitely will be a hit with the kids.

  5. lol, my slushies got an “awkward angle” decline. Whatever. I never really expect anything to actually be accepted. 😉

  6. Congratulations on your declines! I am still at a paltry 26 declines (with fewer acceptances) so I will try to follow in your footsteps. The pizza looks tasty although I’m sure the photo is poorly lit and has composition problems. 🙂

  7. So, I’m not alone. I don’t mean to be happy at other people’s misery but this does make me feel better about my declined photos. If a pro like you can be declined 200 times, maybe it’s not about the photos. Thumbs up on the pizzas by the way.

  8. What a fun pizza idea! And I gave up trying to get in there awhile ago. I didn’t have the heart for all the declines. But your pictures are worlds better than mine I cannot believe you’ve had so many declines!

  9. What a fun idea for pizza! I hear ya on the getting declined. Some of them seem much more inclined to accept pictures than others. Oh well I suppose right?

  10. You are great! What a party. 🙂 Love the pizzas!

  11. Haha! Aww I feel your pain, but these waffle pizzas looks pretty incredible and are completely genius!! 🙂

  12. LOL. Great post, Kita! I’ve learned to let the rejections roll off my back. I get way more traffic from Pinterest than any of the food porn sites now that they don’t seem quite as exciting, especially because I know they reject great photos everyday. It’s just all too subjective.

  13. Ugh, it is so frustrating to get rejected, but what can you do?! Tastespotting has been unkind to me the last couple of weeks….(all that aside from the fact my posts are sitting in the queue for over a week sometimes).

    These pizzas are perfect for celebrating accepts and heck, even to make yourself feel better about a rejection!

  14. Ha! I love your attitude, Kita… why grumble and pout over rejections when you can snarf down a waffle pizza instead? 🙂 You go on with your bad self!

  15. Waffle pizzas–what an idea! The declines can be frustrating, but I’ve learned to just let it go. There’s no rhyme or reason to it.

  16. I was so intrigued when I first read the title. I didn’t know what to think. These pizzas are a super good idea. I have made pizza on just about anything carb but never waffles. Fantastic idea!

  17. This post basically made me snort coffee out of my nose. And now I’m wondering how many declines I’ve had from Foodgawker and Tastespotting, and if the number might justify a really huge cake. Of course, in the meantime, these waffle pizzas will do – I DID get rejected by Tastespotting just last week…

  18. LOL. I like how you`re celebrating the 200th declined. >__<

    These waffle pizzas are such a creative idea! 😀

  19. You’re hilarious, celebrating your declines from Foodgawker. Too cute! And your pics are always good, so no worries there. Happy 200th Decline!

  20. Congratulations on two years of incredibly delicious recipes! Lets hope there are many more to come!
    I’m with you on the Foodgawker thing, I pretty much stopped sending in pics, just to stop the rejection…sigh

    hope to see you soon my friend!

  21. Kita, you are amazing. Cheers to 200 declines! I think your photography is aces. As long as your readers are drooling, that’s all that matters. Tasteologie is a new one to me, how come I didn’t know about that one?

  22. WAFFLE PIZZA, omg this is such a great idea! The whole food porn decline thing had me cracking up too. Personally, I haven’t even bothered in months to submit anything. Your photography is awesome though – let me know if you ever figure out the secret to what they accept because after years of doing this also I have yet to determine that!

  23. Found your post on Foodbuzz. It’s nice to find others who have been given the stamp of rejection! I love that you are celebrating!

    I don’t let the rejection deter me. Since there seems to be no rhyme or reason to what makes the cut, I just submit everything!! Some of my best pics have been denied (and I was like WTF?!?) and other pics that I thought were crap and would never get accepted end up on page 1. I’ve just given up trying to solve the mystery.

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