I pretty much live at my boyfriends house – though everything I own (minus my two fluffballs) is at my parents house or in my uncles basement at this point. I have previously written how its driving me nuts not having a space of my own….

Well, I guess this weekend that all caught up with me.

What started as me trying to be cute/annoying in the front area (we can’t call it a garden simply because its not) turned into a 3 hour demolition of what was there With no knowledge of what I was doing or a plan as to what would be done with the space, I attacked. I pulled out weeds that had entangled enough brick to build a grill ( I know for a fact these particular bricks were indeed once a grill) vines, roots, ants, cement stones and cement blocks, plants that I’m not positive were weeds and a hose that had fallen to its death years ago.


Now what do I do with it? PS, I know NOTHING about plants. But hey, we now we have a starting point?

The BF did build me a picnic table this weekend. Well, 99% build, it still needs its support beam. I’m super happy with it though. Birds have already pooped on it, so I’ll take that to mean its good. 🙂

PS. Any / All suggestions welcome for the “garden” area.

One Comment

  1. I saw you stopped by my page which introduced me to yours! thanks for visiting…

    i think you are so funny! that is a great looking picnic bench – good job bf. And it all depends on what area you live in to decide what plants to plant. I live in SoCal, so palms grow great. But I’m a big fan of placing big rocks in the garden also – like you said – you can’t kill a rock!

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